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A member registered Oct 02, 2020

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Hi ! Thanks for your interest and the comment.
We used this to store each player attempt (as a string containing all we want) and use them to create navmesh agents as "ghost" to help you find the way.

after seeing 2 enemies, didn't find the other 8 and had no ammo left to shoot. player car can be lost outside screen so it's a bit hard. Definitely not only a test to comply to traffic laws.

It's only a test so perfect response to the theme. a bit repetitive however (it seems I was stuck with deuteranomaly indefinitely). It could be a great addition to other educational means for children to discover color blindness.

I'm lost : is there any hint somewhere about the gameplay effect of the elements you can place ?

Nice art & controls but it can be a bit complicated to know to line of sight of enemies. I would like to loot health or other weapons from the dead.

Nice concept. It's possible to cheat (by locking ourself to the top or bottom wall multiple times) and then going forward without obstacle.

Nice dance moves ! Fun must go on !